
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dupe Finder: Zoya Paz and Finger Paints Iconic Orange

So I posted buying two Finger Paints neons with my birthday coupon from Sally Beauty. LOVE them! Then I was at Ulta hitting the clearance rack, and came upon Zoya Paz from the La-Di-Da collection for like, $2.00. HAD to pick it up. In the bottle, it looked darker than the Finger Paints orange (my camera isn't AWESOME, so the difference isn't as noticeable in the picture as it is in person).

Well, when I put Paz on this past weekend, I noticed it looked very bright and neon. So I had to do a comparison between the two, to make sure I didn't get dupes.

 One coat, no topcoat: Forefinger and Ring Finger are Zoya Paz, Middle Finger and Pinkie are Finger Paints Iconic Orange
Two Coats, same placement, no top coat.

So the difference is hard to capture due to the neon-nature of these polishes. But there are many differences indeed:

-Paz is a thinner, almost jelly-like formula, easy to apply but takes an extra coat (I only used two and you can see my smile line).
-Iconic Orange is thicker, more creme like, also easy to apply and only required two coats.

-Paz is as the Zoya website describes, "traffic cone orange." It's bright, but not really NEON.
-Iconic Orange is NEON. Its a little lighter than Paz, but definitely brighter, as well. Paz is the traffic cone, Iconic Orange is the vest the workers wear to catch attention.

So the two polishes are NOT dupes, just similar. But fantabulous in their own way, nonetheless :-)

Monday, May 14, 2012

New Product: Glitter Crackle!

I've been SOOO behind on actual blog posts! For those that DO follow me here on Blogspot/Blogger, I apologize! I've been using Facebook more because of the connections I have there, and because of the 31 Day Challenge.

Well, I used this combo as part of my Day 29: Inspired by the Supernatural mani. This is the hand that DOESN'T have the crescent moon which represents the vampires in the House of Night series. But it has a new product that I'm just DYING to share! (And sorry in advance for the crappy cell phone pic, my husband left my laptop at his sister's, which had my camera's SD card in it!)

I have Glitter Crackles!!! This is China Glaze's Beam me up, over Sally Hansen Complete Manicure in Midnight in NY. Now, I was skeptical about glitter crackles, because glitters are generally sheer unless they are made specifically to be "3D" (Such as the Sally Hansen Gem Crush or China Glaze Eye Candy collections). But this almost condenses as it cracks. It's not the BEST "cracking" action, but the cracks that I have are distinct, which I like. And you have to be careful of the color combination you use, because if you use ANY similar shade, it won't work. I also have China Glaze Jade-d, a green glitter crackle. My sister-in-law tried it over Agro, thinking the greens were different enough...totally couldn't see the cracks! I know that's common with all crackles, but with the glitters it seems especially important.

So there you have it for today, my review of China Glaze Beam me up. Enjoy, and I'll hopefully be back soon!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Birthday Awesomeness!

Hello again! So I'm still rocking the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge. Some days are easier than others, I know the water marbling day is coming up, EEK! It was my first blog post here, actually, but I've only done it that one time!

So Tuesday, May 1 was my 24th birthday :-) I got lots of love from family, friends, and even the polish community! It's a nice feeling knowing so many people are so friendly! And of course you know what this girl needs for her birthday: POLISH!

So first I'm gonna start with my Sally's trip. Because I got an e-mail for $10 off of a $20 purchase! So I picked up these:
 I got two Finger Paints neons: Silkscreen Green and Iconic Orange. I found Orly Space Cadet on clearance. And my favorite from this trip: Two China Glaze Glitter Crackles! They are Jade-D and Gleam Me Up. I know so many people are over crackles, I have a feeling I will always love them :-) Reviews to come shortly!

Now for my birthday gifts, I got polish from my husband (who utilized the Earth Day promotion), and a surprise from my sister-in-law:

I got my first stamping kit!! I will so be using it this weekend, too! For my Zoyas, I got (from L-R) Maize, Goldie, Angelina, Faye, Carly, Kimber, and Zuza. SO EXCITED!!

That's that for now, I'll be back soon with some fun challenge pictures, probably utilizing some of these!!